[BusyBox] Today's ash improvements

Erik Andersen andersen at lineo.com
Mon Aug 6 09:51:49 MDT 2001

On Mon Aug 06, 2001 at 11:38:07AM +0400, Vladimir N. Oleynik wrote:
> Unfortunately, it to make it is impossible. Lineo mantainers very much love 
> function bsearch ;-), and it will not give to make such optimization. 
> Look attentively.

I tried your search method and ran your test program.  I found that your search
method vasy very fast.  But when I merged it into busybox I also found it did
not find the correct search item and I didn't have the time to find out why.  I
told you about the problem, and I didn't integrate your patch.

The Lineo maintainers (i.e. me) feel that bsearch works for the job it does,
but as always I am willing to be convinced that other approaches are better.
If you want to convince me that your approach is better, the burden of proof is
on you, not on me.  If you stll want to prove your method is better, then prove
that your method is better,


Erik B. Andersen   email:  andersen at lineo.com
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