[BusyBox] Make PREFIX= install is funky.

Peter Willis psyphreak at phreaker.net
Thu May 6 17:49:28 UTC 2004

normally one would use DESTDIR to get that kind of functionality,
wouldn't one? whereas PREFIX is more commonly used to specify things
like BINDIR, LIBDIR, INCLUDEDIR, etc. ? example Makefile:

  # DESTDIR=_install # usually passed on the command-line ?
  all: stuff
  stuff: stuff.c
        $(CC) -o stuff stuff.c
        mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)
        cp stuff $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)

or something similar...

Manuel commented briefly in IRC about this:

<mjn3> annoying inconsistencies...  both busybox and tinylogin use
PREFIX where DESTDIR is normally used.  busybox uses EXTRA_CFLAGS while
tinylogin uses CFLAGS_EXTRA
<mjn3> i'm sure changing things would break lot of build systems out in
the wild
<mjn3> actuallly, it is the uclibc build system that needs a lot of

so it probably isn't a simple fix...

On Wed, 2004-05-05 at 13:12, Rob Landley wrote:
> So, if I tell busybox to install at "PREFIX=/", all the paths it's
using are 
> things like "//usr/bin/env".  But if I tell it "PREFIX=", it refuses
> install saying there's no prefix.
> I realise that this is largely a cosmetic issue, but I thought I'd
bring it up 
> anyway.
> Rob

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