[BusyBox] [patch] new applet mountpoint

Rainer Weikusat rainer.weikusat at sncag.com
Fri Aug 19 03:40:57 MDT 2005

Bernhard Fischer <rep.nop at aon.at> writes:
> Attached patch adds a mountpoint(1) applet.
> $ size miscutils/mountpoint.o
>    text	   data	    bss	    dec	    hex	filename
>     614	      0	      0	    614	    266	miscutils/mountpoint.o
> It's relatively big but feature complete.
> Ok?

Given that busybox may eventually include an operating system kernel
and a C library of its own :->, but will certainly never
(substantially) work with a different kernel than Linux, why not

        cut -d' ' -f2 /proc/mounts | grep -q "$1"

plus a set of similar small shell functions that print the other
information, insofar requested?


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