[BusyBox] cannot use console in init.c of busybox 1.00

Levin Du zsdjw at 21cn.com
Sat Jul 2 03:33:10 MDT 2005

I happened to add a open("/dev/tty4", O_RDWR) before console_init() and solved 
the problem. When I went deeper, I found that the console variable will be 
"/dev/null" before device_open(). 

After a tough time I found out the reason: the CURRENT_VC is "/dev/tty0" and 
my initrd didn't have such a device file.

I created the /dev/tty0 and the newt screen appeared, but was out of control. 
When I hit the enter key, the cursor just went down and the screen got ugly. 
Later I tried to modify this line:
		safe_strncpy(console, (tried == 0 ? _PATH_CONSOLE : CURRENT_VC),
		safe_strncpy(console, (tried == 0 ? _PATH_CONSOLE : VC_1), /* CURRENT_VC */
to make newt happy.

Just write it down to help others maybe.

Best regards,
Levin Du

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