[BusyBox] [PATCH] Less patch redux

Rob Sullivan cogito.ergo.cogito at gmail.com
Thu Jul 14 23:57:34 MDT 2005

Hi all,

although this may not be a particularly opportune time to post this
(with consideration of Busybox 1.01 and 1.1 wranglings), I've now
finished the less applet, replete with features not included in the
previous patch.
It's stable enough for inclusion in my opinion, but still requires
further development. Current features implemented are:
- Basic paging functionality
- Regexp searching
- Bracket matching (though nested brackets are not considered)
- Multiple-file viewing
- Input from stdin
- Commandline flags -M, -m, -E, -N and -~
- Marks
- Configurability of various features

See the less manpage for more explanation of any of these - that was
essentially what I used as my specification for this program. The
approximate size of the less applet is 15kb.

-------------- next part --------------
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