[BusyBox] using dpkg with busybox

Simon Block sblock at computer.org
Tue Jul 19 10:39:25 MDT 2005

Hi Kim,

Regarding this post:

I'm having problems getting dpkg on BB to run a postinst or preinst script.
I added your patch to our src tree and that solved the looping problem. Dpkg
will install the files ok but it does not run the <pkgname>.preinst or
<pkgname>.postinst scripts that I include in the DEBIAN directory in the
archive with the control file. It may be that I am not packing the archive
correctly. Does the control file have to reference the scripts or is there
existence and filename enough? There is very little info on what the
structure of the archive should be apart from the control file format. 

Does BB dpkg support the prerm and postrm scripts too?

Any ideas? It would be handy if you had a small, dependency free package
file I could examine that includes a script. :)

Cheers and thanks for any help!

Hello Glenn,

> busybox's dpkg has a lot of deficiencies and i dont intend to fix it,

Can you be more specific? Current version seems to work fine (with the
patch I posted 3 weeks ago - fixing preinst etc. scripts) for me, and
only adding 18kB to busybox binary (armv4).

I would like to continue using dpkg. Even if you decide to write a new
one, please do not remove dpkg from Busybox.


Simon Block
sblock at computer.org 

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