[BusyBox] Re: ifconfig: Clean up. [PATCH]

Paul Fox pgf at brightstareng.com
Tue Jul 26 09:53:24 MDT 2005

 > > > +     if (CONFIG_FEATURE_CLEAN_UP) close(sockfd);
 > > >       return goterr;
 > > >  }
 > >
 > > What is this supposed to accomplish, besides inflating the binary for
 > > no reason?
 > If CLEAN_UP is undefined, it shouldn't affect the binary size at all.
 > If CLEAN_UP is defined, it cleans up the resources the applet has
 > allocated, namely file descriptors in this case.

and why do we care about closing file descriptors?

perhaps i should just ask the bigger question:  when would one use
CONFIG_FEATURE_CLEAN_UP?  why?  is there a busybox configuration where
exit-time leaks are an issue?

 paul fox, pgf at brightstareng.com

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