Releasing 1.02 and 1.1-pre1.

Dirk Clemens develop at
Fri Oct 7 20:02:03 UTC 2005

Rob Landley wrote:

>Okay guys, here's the deal:
>Erik doesn't do releases unless seriously provoked.  I put together
1.01 and
>there's a call for a follow-on to that because of the vi bug.  Fine.  I'll
>start work on a 1.0.2 release after Linucon (which is this weekend).
>I would like 1.0.2 to be the last -stable release before 1.1 ships.  It's
>certainly the last one I'm planning to do (although there might be a
>if obvious bugs crop up.)
> --- snip ---

And where in the svn tree can I find the canidates for 1.0.2 and 1.1?
I will do some tests.


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