any chance of getting directory listings into httpd.c?

Rob Landley rob at
Fri Apr 14 02:04:56 UTC 2006

On Tuesday 11 April 2006 7:49 am, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
>   turns out i have a *serious* need for directory listings, which are
> currently not supported by httpd.c.  i'm assuming that such a feature
> would be implemented with all of:
>  1) a menu config selection to build it in
>  2) an httpd command-line option to enable it
>  3) the code itself, of course
> i'm not sure i'm quite up to speed enough to write something like that
> myself so if someone else happened to add it, why, that would be just
> ducky.  :-)
> rday

Hey Erik!  Any objections to (at some point in the future, not right _now_) 
moving Morris to run busybox httpd instead of apache? :)

I'm thinking initially on a different port (8080 or some such) so we could 
beta it for a few months before actually switching over...

Never bet against the cheap plastic solution.

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