dynamic dns update

Paul Fox pgf at brightstareng.com
Wed Jul 26 16:41:45 UTC 2006

 > >  > The busybox client does have the necessary option to tell the
 > >  > server to do this.  It is (currently) undocumented in the
 > >  > usage, but if you specify a -F <domain name> the client will
 > >  > pass the information to the server and tell it to an update. 
 > > 
 > > well, looky there.  you're absolutely right.  thanks.  i didn't
 > > realize we had that.
 > I'd like to add this to the docs, but the code comment is a
 > bit vague.  (dns format not fqdn?)

i suspect the first data item in the dhcp option is a flags word,
which we set to '1', meaning "client requests both A and RR
records".  the other three bits referred to in that comment are
unimplemented in our code.  "dns format" in this case refers to
the counted-string domainname representation that the DNS
protocol uses, where there are no dots in the data, but instead a
byte is used as a counter for every name part.  hence the
"<4>host<6>domain..." etc part of the comment.

 > Can you just go "-F thingy.google.com" and expect udhcpc to work right?

i'll defer to jason on this, since i've never tried it.


 > Rob
 > -- 
 > Never bet against the cheap plastic solution.

 paul fox, pgf at brightstareng.com

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