konqueror embedded from busybox init

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Thu Mar 9 17:44:02 UTC 2006

On Wednesday 08 March 2006 7:07 pm, yan seiner wrote:
> >Sounds like a bug in the flash plugin.
> That doesn't explain why it runs from the command line and not from
> init....

Maybe it queries the controlling terminal?

> >Call it from a script that does sleep 1 first?
> I've tried that, as well as sticking in sleep() after each fork in
> konq/e, to see if it was that...

The crash happening in a closed-source plugin does suck pretty badly, yes.  
Have you tried yanking the plugin to confirm that the crash doesn't happen 
without it?

> I am beginning to suspect that it may be something with busybox httpd
> closing the connection before konq/e is ready for it...

Where the heck did busybox httpd enter into this?  I thought you said you were 
launching konq from init?

> Just from 
> watching it, the crash happens about the time the httpd child goes away,
> a second after the flash movie starts.  Why it would only happen from
> init I don't know....

When konq is started from init, not from when busybox httpd is?

Are you saying that this doesn't happen when you download the flash movie from 
some other httpd?  Have you tried looking at a flash movie on the local 

> I'll follow up on this on the konq list - but if someone could point out
> where I might try to stick in a sleep(1) into httpd to delay the closing
> of the connection I would be very grateful...

Just to confirm: we're trying to avoid triggering a bug in the closed-source 
flash plugin, that happens when you try to play an .swf file via the network.  
Not a crash that happens when you merely try to launch konqueror from init, 
as your first message implied.

> --Yan
> >Rob

Never bet against the cheap plastic solution.

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