[Patch] Add command ":wn" to vi-applet

Paul Fox pgf at brightstareng.com
Fri Mar 24 04:14:09 UTC 2006

 > >
 > > Not sure who feels responsible for vi, but i certainly like :wn
 > I go :w filename from time to time, is this related?
 > What does it do?

thank you -- i thought maybe i was the only one in the dark, and i
thought i knew more about vi than the average bear.  ":wn" seems
to be a vim thing:

    :help wn
    ....  {not in Vi}
if the goal is "small", maybe we should keep busybox vi to a traditional
subset...  it's so imperfect, why try to embellish it?

 paul fox, pgf at brightstareng.com

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