How to disable Ctrl-C during init (initial ramdisk / normal init )

Yoann Allain yallain at
Tue May 30 01:07:46 PDT 2006

Rob Landley a écrit :

>On Monday 29 May 2006 3:59 am, Yoann Allain wrote:
>>>According to the first
>>>field of busybox init lines is the device to run it on (the /dev/ prefix
>>>optional), and the default is tty0, so you might want to change:
>>>Not that I've tried it...
>>Well I've tried with
>>but I was still able to stop the init with Ctrl-C... But with
>>All the signals seems to be ignored so the init goes till the end, although
>>I have no more messages printed, but in my case this is not a problem.
>In theory /dev/console shouldn't send a signal for ctrl-c no matter what it's 
>hooked up to.  (That's the kernel handling that, not us.)  That said, I 
>haven't personally tried hitting ctrl-c under /dev/console when 
>console=ttyS0, so I can't say for sure.
>Are you using a vanilla kernel, or one somebody pated?
Yes we're actually using a patched kernel, but nothing seems different 
on this part. In the other hand, I'm using ttyS0 for console so perhaps 
this is it...

>>The next thing was to do the same with /linuxrc file that I use in a
>>initial ramdisk. His purpose is to load a MMC driver which is used to mount
>>the root filesystem during last part of init. I could also stop this script
>>with Ctrl-C. I found one solution by modifying the kernel file do_mount.c :
>>I replace /dev/console by /dev/null in do_linuxrc function. And this way I
>>cannot stop the driver loading. I was also thinking of replacing /linuxrc
>>script by a small C program which would do something like system("insmod
>>mmc_drv.o") after having disabled signals (SIGINT). But I don't know what
>>solution is best, if there is one enough good...
>*shrug*.  You also have the source to busybox init.  init/init.c around line 
>419 or so is where the signal handlers are reset to run a child process.  The 
>only problem is, when you get around to running the other things (like login) 
>it goes through the same general code path...

Yes I've noticed it. So thank you very much.


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