tar xf a.tar dir/dir fix added to svn

Denis Vlasenko vda.linux at googlemail.com
Sat Sep 2 19:15:44 UTC 2006



	if (fnmatch(list->data, filename, 0) == 0) 
replacing it with: 
	if (fnmatch(list->data, filename, FNM_LEADING_DIR) == 0) 
makes "--exclude" at least start to function a *little* more properly, 
but i'll leave it up to the maintainers to decide how to handle this. 
  more to the point, why are there two totally separate routines whose 
purpose it is to do filename/pattern matching?

end quote.

I also added a testsuite entry.

However, http://bugs.busybox.net/view.php?id=991
contains a bit different looking patch.

I am not closind that one for now.

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