[patch] setterm applet

Bernhard Fischer rep.nop at aon.at
Wed Sep 27 21:15:07 UTC 2006

On Tue, Sep 26, 2006 at 10:41:47AM -0300,  Alastor Santamaria wrote:
>hi, well I did the diff with the cvs snapshot now, and just in case I also
>put in a tar with the diff of config.in makefile.in usage.h and
>applet.hplus the
>setterm.h i hope it works now.

A few non-code comments while reading through..
>Sinceramente Alastor
>Thanks for your attention.

>diff -urN b0/include/applets.h b1/include/applets.h
>--- b0/include/applets.h	2006-09-24 04:20:09.000000000 -0300
>+++ b1/include/applets.h	2006-09-25 07:24:03.000000000 -0300
>@@ -242,6 +242,7 @@
>diff -urN b0/include/usage.h b1/include/usage.h
>--- b0/include/usage.h	2006-09-24 04:20:09.000000000 -0300
>+++ b1/include/usage.h	2006-09-25 07:20:39.000000000 -0300
>@@ -2595,6 +2595,18 @@
> #define setlogcons_full_usage \
> 	"Redirects the kernel output to console N (0 for current)."
>+#define setterm_trivial_usage \
>+	"[-b COLOR] [-f COLOR] [-m blink|bold|dark|underline] [-s]\n" \
>+	"\tCOLOR: black|red|green|yellow|blue|magenta|cyan|white\n"
>+#define setterm_full_usage \
->+	"sets terminal settings\n\n" \
+set terminal attributes
>+	"Options:\n" \
>+	"\t-b:\t\tset background\n" \
>+	"\t-f:\t\tset foreground\n" \
->+	"\t-m:\t\tadd this modifier\n" \
+>+	"\t-m:\t\tset attribute\n" \
>+	"\t-s:\t\tstore\n" \
>+	"with no options it resets\n\n"
> #define setsid_trivial_usage \
> 	"program [arg ...]"
> #define setsid_full_usage \
>diff -urN b0/util-linux/Config.in b1/util-linux/Config.in
>--- b0/util-linux/Config.in	2006-09-24 04:20:11.000000000 -0300
>+++ b1/util-linux/Config.in	2006-09-25 07:09:28.000000000 -0300
>@@ -433,6 +433,12 @@
> 	  this util on a system that supports both 64bit and 32bit userland
> 	  (like amd64/x86, ppc64/ppc, sparc64/sparc, etc...).
>+	bool "setterm"
>+	default n
>+	help
->+	  This program sets terminal settings.
+>+	  This program sets terminal attributes.
> 	bool "swaponoff"
> 	default n
>diff -urN b0/util-linux/Makefile.in b1/util-linux/Makefile.in
>--- b0/util-linux/Makefile.in	2006-09-24 04:20:11.000000000 -0300
>+++ b1/util-linux/Makefile.in	2006-09-25 07:11:17.000000000 -0300
>@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
> UTILLINUX-$(CONFIG_RDATE)         +=rdate.o
> UTILLINUX-$(CONFIG_SETARCH)       +=setarch.o
>+UTILLINUX-$(CONFIG_SETTERM)       +=setterm.o
> UTILLINUX-$(CONFIG_SWAPONOFF)     +=swaponoff.o
> UTILLINUX-$(CONFIG_SWITCH_ROOT)   +=switch_root.o
> UTILLINUX-$(CONFIG_UMOUNT)        +=umount.o
>diff -urN b0/util-linux/setterm.c b1/util-linux/setterm.c
>--- b0/util-linux/setterm.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
>+++ b1/util-linux/setterm.c	2006-09-25 07:38:57.000000000 -0300
>@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
>+/* vi: set sw=4 ts=4: */
>+ * setterm: set terminal settings
>+ *
>+ * Copyright (C) 2006 by Mario Santamaria <AlastorS at gmail.com>
>+ *
>+ * Licensed under GPLv2 or later, see file LICENSE in this tarball for details.
>+ */
>+ *
>+ *	This program manipulates the screen colors and other atributes,


>+ *	with no options, it resets to stored defaults.
>+ *
>+ *	less options than GNU counterpart to minimize code size

s/less/fewer/;# but i'm not a native speaker

>+ *	and because I only use/need a small subset of GNU setterm functions.
>+ *
>+ *	setterm
>+ *		[ -b  black|red|green|yellow|blue|magenta|cyan|white ]
>+ *			sets the background
>+ *		[ -f  black|red|green|yellow|blue|magenta|cyan|white ]
>+ *			sets the foreground
>+ *		[ -m  blink|bold|dark|underline|reverse ]
->+ *			add this mod
+>+ *			add this attribute
>+ *		[ -s ]
>+ *			store current settings as the new defaults
>+ *
>+ *	example for green letters and black background, matrix style ;)
>+ *	    setterm -f green -b black -s
>+ *
>+ */
>+#include <stdio.h>
>+#include <stdlib.h>
>+#include <string.h>
>+#include "busybox.h"
>+ *	function parse_option
>+ *
>+ *	opt_act: string, current option.
>+ *	options_list: array of strings, all posible options.
>+ *	result: string, making here the string.
>+ *	base: int, this plus the value returned by compare_string_array is what we need to make the string.
>+ *
>+ *	Returns
>+ *
>+ *	n > 0 : number of caracters writen in result.


>+ *
>+ */
static, as tito already pointed out.
>+int parse_option(const char *opt_act, const char *options_list[], char *result, int base) {
>+		int option;
>+	option = compare_string_array(options_list, opt_act);
>+	if (option < 0)
>+		bb_show_usage();
>+	return sprintf(result, "%d;", option + base);
->+/* main */
>+int setterm_main(int argc,  char **argv) {
>+		char settings[30] = "\033[0m";
>+		int opt;
>+		char *act, *back_opt, *fore_opt;

>+		llist_t *mods = NULL;

They really are attributes

>+		const char *bf_options_list[] = {
>+			"black",
>+			"red",
>+			"green",
>+			"yellow",
>+			"blue",
>+			"magenta",
>+			"cyan",
>+			"white",
->+			NULL
>+		};
>+		const char *m_options_list[] = {
>+			"bold",
>+			"dark",
>+			"\0",
>+			"underline",
>+			"blink",
->+			NULL
>+		};
>+	bb_opt_complementally = "m::";
>+	opt = bb_getopt_ulflags(argc, argv, "b:f:m:s", &back_opt, &fore_opt, &mods);
>+	act = settings;
>+	if (opt & 0x07) { //change settings
>+		act += 2;
>+		if (opt & 1)
>+			act += parse_option(back_opt, bf_options_list, act, 40);

Why don't you change act in parse_option() ?
>+		if (opt & 2)
>+			act += parse_option(fore_opt, bf_options_list, act, 30);
>+		for (; mods != NULL; mods = mods->link)
>+			act += parse_option(mods->data, m_options_list, act, 1);
>+		*(act-1) = 'm'; //replace the last ';' which is surplus
>+	}
>+	if (opt & 8)
>+		sprintf(act, "\033[8]");

I would have to look it up, but isn't the closing ']' superfluous?
>+	printf("%s", settings);

>+	return 0;
didn't try, but perhaps bb_fflush_stdout_and_exit(EXIT_SUCCESS) is
smaller here..

hm. I'll have to try it out sometimes.. :)

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