Bug 1244 testcase

Denis Vlasenko vda.linux at googlemail.com
Fri Mar 2 14:54:14 PST 2007

Hi Eric,

Regarding http://busybox.net/bugs/view.php?id=1244

I put a Linux image suitable for qemu to

I also put there a qemu binary archive, just unpack
it into /usr/app/qemu-0.8.1 and run !vda_install
(it will add a 'qemu' symlink to /usr/bin).
Of course, if you already have qemu installed,
you don't need to do it.

Usage: running: qemu *.img
mkdir img
mount -o loop *.img img
[edit filesystem in img/*]
umount img

Contents: basically image is stolen from qemu.org site.
I added /busybox binary, /sbin/init -> /busybox symlink
and /etc/inittab:

::sysinit:/bin/echo sysinit
::wait:/bin/echo wait
::restart:/bin/echo restart
::shutdown:/bin/echo shutdown

I didn't test restart or shutdown yet, but sysinit, wait,
and respawn are all working as expected.

Does it work if you replace /busybox with your bbox binary?

If it works for you, can you try to modify this example
and demonstrate the problem? My /etc/inittab may be too simple...

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