TIOCGWINSZ and busybox

Fischer, Matthew L (SHML - Diagnostics) matt.fischer at hp.com
Fri Mar 9 15:56:04 PST 2007

I am trying to get the more command in busybox to recognize terminal
window size changes.  The more command is not responding to the window
resizes, not only while its running, but even when I re-run more after a
resize.  I ran through it with gdb and the TIOCGWINSZ call is returning
all 0 values (ws_row = ws_col = 0), this is probably the resize culprit
(since more appears to use these values). 

On the first build we had AUTOWIDTH set, and then rebuilt with AUTOWIDTH
and FEATURE_USE_TERMIOS set; there was no change in the behavior.  I
also tried using the "normal" more command, and the result was the same.

Since I am connected to my test machine through a management processor,
I don't expect SIGWINCH to work, but when more is run "from scratch", I
do expect it to find the correct rows and columns.  

We are using a 2.6.19 kernel if that matters.

Is there possibly another config option that we should be using or does
anyone else have this working?

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