awk does not terminate when compiled with gcc-4.1.2

Alexander Kriegisch Alexander at
Mon Mar 19 18:10:17 PDT 2007

David Daney wrote:
> Can you run it under gdb?  That would probably be the most fruitful
> path.

Thanks, David.

I don't have any gdb experience, not being a C programmer. Do my
debugging capabilities are limited at this time. If I can get a
gdbserver for mipsel compiled and running, connecting to it remotely
from my x86 host via gdb and maybe ddd, I can send some more analysis
data to your attention. For the time being I can provide strace output.
Even though probably not extremely helpful, comparing the results from a
working awk version (gcc-4.1.1, log file #1) against a broken one
(gcc-4.1.2, log file #2) shows little difference until the stdin read
call is reached in case #1, but never in case #2.

I was issuing the following command in order to get the output:

echo "aaa bbb ccc" | strace -f -F busybox awk '{print $1}' \
> st2.log 2>&1

Log files attached, diff as well for your convenience.
Alexander Kriegisch
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