udev and PATH problems

Jan Evert van Grootheest Jan-Evert.van.Grootheest at Vialis.nl
Wed May 16 12:23:59 UTC 2007

> Ok, I'm replying to myself with what I think is the best solution:
> 1- Rename (as FC6 and other distros do) the files in 
> /etc/udev/rules.d 
> to force a parse order (i.e. place a number prefix).
> 2- Create a "00-early.rules" file with the following content:
> ACTION=="*", ENV{PATH}="/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin"
> By the way, any suggestions on which should be the default 
> "reasonable" 
> path. The one I used above is what I get from a "echo $PATH" 
> at my FC6 
> box prompt, but busybox's ash seems to prefer the following:
> /usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin
> Which one makes most sense?

I would suggest that /usr/* should come before /*, because the root partition is usually (intended) to keep small and/or readonly so /usr may contain the same binary with more capabilities and/or an updated one.

I don't really know about */bin */sbin. */bin is intended for more generic useful programs, like ls, while */sbin is intended for programs that are generally useless to users. But, well, this is busybox. And in embedded environments the rules may be different. I know that with us */sbin is just a link to */bin.

-- Jan Evert 
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