Buildroot question

theHog uclibc at
Sat Mar 4 14:04:15 PST 2006


I successfully built installed and booted my first buildroot/uclibc/busybox
environment. Now I have a minimal (3 MB, great!) setup that can't do much of

How do I proceed from here? I tried to add some packages via the make
menuconfig  of buildroot, but it seems that not everything is working out of
the box.

In addition, since I'm creating a HTPC environment for the EPIA platform, I'd
like to use a.o. newer kernel headers (2.6.15) a newer xorg, xine, mplayer

Is the buildroot environment sufficiently configurable for doing so? Of
course I  need to build everything on a fast host (non-EPIA) system. The
target will finally be booted from a compact flash disk.

Are there any documents or websites that explain how to proceed? 



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