/var/log/messages is empty and ls doesn't support --color, -l and more

Alessio Massaro masariello at gmail.com
Mon Mar 6 02:09:35 PST 2006

The last few days I've been running tests against daily svn updates of

All of a sudden I got the following problems with both busybox release and

1) /var/log/messages remains empty
2) ls doesn't understand -l and --color (so ls doesn t work until I unalias
3) The command line desc of ifup is shown just before the login: prompt
4) I have to supply a password for root. I'm rejected the first time, I get
in the second
4) The automated DHCP config of the kernel stopped working. Not even
ifconfig up dhcp works!

I didn t change the kernel config and I compile it with the buildroot gcc

Does anybody have any idea, please? I'm really clueless.

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