[buildroot] how do I remove a package?

Mike Frysinger vapier at gentoo.org
Wed Mar 8 19:10:24 PST 2006

On Wednesday 08 March 2006 21:56, Bryan Kemp wrote:
> If I configure buildroot to include a package and the
> build of that package breaks, I can not remove the package by using
> menuconfig and deselecting the package.

good package .mk files will implement a <package>-clean target ... so if you 
install nano, you should be able to run `make nano-clean` to have it 
uninstalled from the target dir

as for whether a package actually implements this target and/or implements it 
correctly, that's a different story ;)  not many people utilize this too 
often, so it tends to be non-existant to untested

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