Bryan Kemp bryan at kempville.com
Wed Mar 15 19:34:40 PST 2006

I am having a bit of a problem with my project and need some advice  
on drivers. My project is taking the RedHat Enterprise Linux 4  
installation kernel/initrd and building a small OS from it. I am  
using the redhat kernel and drivers, but I want to use build root for  
the remainder of the tools. I have created the /lib/modules/`uname - 
r`/kernel/drivers directory and copied the contents of the  
modules.cgz (Gunzip and cpio -div) file from the RH initrd. I am  
having trouble with the module dependancies and would love to depmod  
it in a chrooted environment. However when I try this I get a lot of  
error messages about not being able to find some symbols in the  
drivers. Has anyone gotten this to work properly?

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