Long release cycle (was: RE: uclibc tool chain installation problem)

Nitin Gupta ngupta at mvista.com
Tue Mar 21 11:16:12 PST 2006

Peter Kjellerstedt wrote:
> And no, using snapshots is really not an option, as it is much 
> harder to relate to a snapshot when bug tracking.  It is much 
> easier to say "we have a problem with 0.9.32" and have others 
> relate to what we mean, than to say "we have a problem with 
> the snapshot of 2010-03-21".
> Also, with snapshots you never know if you accidentally pull
> the sources in the middle of someone else's half finished 
> changes.  This is unlikely to happen with official releases.

One more issue I have noticed with taking snapshot is that in last 1-2 
months, drastic cleanup changes have been made in uClibc makefiles 
almost every week, which makes moving from one snapshot to another very 
difficult. I will appreciate if checkins to uClibc source base are 
mostly fixes/enhancements and are approved by other uClibc developers.

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