kernel compilation

Andrea Paterniani a.paterniani at
Fri Mar 24 07:27:02 PST 2006

Hi all!

I'm working on a Cogent CSB536FS dev-board (iMXL based) with precompiled
linux distribution.

Microcross (dev-board supplier) says that it's not possible to rebuild the
kernel with standard kit that I bough and offers a professional kit for this

The original kernel ( was compiled with gcc 3.3.1 and
I tried and succeded compiling Cogent kernel source tree with my buildroot
toolchain using mx1ads_defconfig and simply specifyng CSB536FS as targeg
platform (via make menuconfig).
Unfortunately booting the system with the new zImage fails: after
uncompressing the image the kernel doesn't output any text to the terminal
and the system needs reset to restart micromonitor.

My work was based on:
* buildroot toolchain (gcc 3.4.3, binutils-v2. and Linux 2.6.12
kernel header).
* material extracted from microcross standard kit CD shipped with dev-board.

Which the reasons of my failure?
* toolchain ? (the compilation ends without problem and a zImage is
* .config ?

Do I really need to purchase the professional-kit?

Consider that at the end I'll need to build my own distro for my own HW iMXL

Thanks in advance,
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