Buildroot :: Error while building mono using uclibc toolchain

Mike Frysinger vapier at
Wed Mar 29 23:55:42 PST 2006

On 3/30/06, conn itnel <connintel1 at> wrote:
>  One more thing that while building the toolchain using buildroot. I have
> enable the option "linuxthreads (old/stable)", i.e
>  make menuconfig -> Toolchain Options -->linuxthreads (old/stable), so is it
> any problem with that option.

that's the only version i'd use at the moment

>  os_dep.c:3990:23: execinfo.h: No such file or directory

uClibc doesnt support backtrace()

either implement it in uClibc and contribute the fixes to us or figure
out if the backtrace() requirement is really optional (and if it isnt,
see if it can be made so)

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