[BusyBox] Net configuration

Olivier L'Heureux o.lheureux at septentrio.com
Fri Feb 7 02:52:03 UTC 2003

????? ??? wrote:

>Hello all!
>Sorry, if it is offtopic here.
>I'm using busybox linked vs uclibc.
>While using busybox's ifconfig and ping 
>I resieving the error signal SIGILL - Illigal instruction.
>My system has very small amount of memory = 4M, i386sx.
>and for now it available for user ~2700k of ram, whith shell and init 
>(both busybox) ~400-500k
Well, I've had the same message here, when copying dynamic libraries
from a RedHad 8 Linux distribution on an x86-based embedded platform.
It seems that RedHat compiles some libraries for an i686 architecture
and install them by default, if the host has an i686 processor.
On an i{3,4,5}86, running a program causes an "illegal instruction"
signal when it uses the i686 library.

An example: libc is i686-specific, and that is visible because it
sits in an "i686/" directory:
libc.so.6 => /lib/i686/libc.so.6
But "/lib/ld-2.2.93.so" seems i686-specific too.

Could it be that the Busybox ifconfig/ping utilities dynamically
use an i686 library?

[Snip. OLH.]

Hope it helps,

Olivier L'Heureux


Olivier L'Heureux <o.lheureux at septentrio.com>, Embedded SW engineer
Septentrio Satellite Navigation nv/sa, Belgium

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