[BusyBox] busybox httpd

Luke Fimmerzane lukefimmerzane at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 4 01:03:09 UTC 2004

Can someone give me some pointers as to how I can get httpd working on my 
Arm target. I am using BusyBox v1.00-rc3. I apologise if these 3 questions 
are simple:

(1) httpd applet is built but it doesn't seem to support -p option. Is there 
a config option I've missed.
e.g. when I do httpd --help I get

BusyBox v1.00-rc3 (2004.09.02-15:54+0000) multi-call binary

Usage: httpd [-c <conf file>] [-r <realm>] [-m pass] [-h home] [-d/-e 

Listens for incoming http server requests.

       -c FILE         Specifies configuration file. (default httpd.conf)
       -r REALM        Authentication Realm for Basic Authentication
       -m PASS         Crypt PASS with md5 algorithm
       -h HOME         Specifies http HOME directory (default ./)
       -e STRING       Html encode STRING
       -d STRING       URL decode STRING
(2) If I run it from command line it stops running e.g. if I do a ps aux 
after running it,
this is what I get:

httpd &
~ # ps aux
PID  Uid     VmSize Stat Command
   1 root        276 S   init
   2 root            SW  [keventd]
   3 root            SWN [ksoftirqd_CPU0]
   4 root            SW  [kswapd]
   5 root            SW  [bdflush]
   6 root            SW  [kupdated]
   8 root            SW  [mtdblockd]
   9 root            SW  [rpciod]
  17 root        528 S   /sbin/inetd
  77 root        644 S   /sbin/cardmgr -d
  95 root        356 S   /bin/sh
169 root        240 T   httpd
170 root        284 R   ps aux
[1] + Stopped (tty input)        httpd

(3) My httpd.conf file is as follows. I took it from source file. Is there 
an example somewhere of what
this should look like? I've searched every entry in busybox mail list and 
could not find any reference apart from see source file, which isn't very 

more httpd.conf

Thanks for any help,

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