[BusyBox] PPC 405GP Compilation trouble

Vladimir vova-ks at yandex.ru
Sat Nov 20 10:47:18 UTC 2004

Hello All !
Sorry if this is offtopic, I just do not know where to ask.
I'm trying to compile busybox on 405GP board. I've built toolchain using 
crosstool, then compile busybox using it. It compiles well, but when I'm try 
to boot it on board it just silently hungs. When I'm try to compile it with 
static library it fails with this message:

/home/vova/crosstool/busybox-1.00/libbb/libbb.a(my_getgrgid.o)(.text+0x20): In 
function `my_getgrgid':
: warning: Using 'getgrgid' in statically linked applications requires at 
runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version used for linking
... (a lot of the same messages about other functions)...
(.text+0x0): In function `__ltdf2':
: multiple definition of `__ledf2'

         Best regards,

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