udhcp and busybox

Devin Bayer devin at freeshell.org
Sat Mar 25 20:30:32 PST 2006

On Mar 24, 2006, at 18:02, Rob Landley wrote:

> I suppose I'll just have to check my cleaned up version into the  
> networking
> directory and adjust stuff to build it from there.  Luckily, the  
> end result
> should be just one .c file, not a dozen random pieces...

Hello Rob.  If you are working on shrinking udhcp, I have a feature  
request.  Could it be made to not require a shell script.  I imagine  
90% of people using it just need to set the gateway, IP address, and  
DNS servers. So it could have a few new options:

	-g     set the gateway if no gateway is set on another interface
	-o     delete any other gateways first
	-d     edit /etc/resolv.conf
	-V     be verbose

And if people need to do fancy stuff with it, they can make it  
verbose and parse the output which can supply the information  
currently supplied to the script.

If you think this is a good idea, but not worth your time, I could  
probably supply a patch.

Devin Bayer

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