warning: type mismatch in shell/cmdedit.c

Andreas Banze andreas at banze.de
Fri Mar 3 16:20:03 UTC 2006

On Fri Mar 03, 2006 - 07:03:47PM, Vladimir N. Oleynik wrote:

> >2) while you are listed as the maintainer, you can't support that code
> >right now.
> Hmm. If ask...
> The bb project recently appointed maintainer does not wish to work with me
> above in the way. For what I am deprived access to the my code.

The recently appointed maintainer was appointed already a long time ago -
Erik "recently" just handed over a bit more responsibility by letting him
administrate the busybox server as well.

And just to set the record straight: lurking here for a few years now I have
to admit that Rob sometimes may be stubborn and rude (usually with a reason),
but I think that everybody on this list agrees that he tried to work with
you for quite some time, but you refused to agree on the license that
busybox demands. I really appreciate the work you've done on busybox, but I
think refusal of svn access was the only thing Rob could do at the moment.
And your good manners were absent for quite a bunch of occasions as well not
to mention you broken mail setup.

Andreas Banze

Every procedure for getting a cat to take a pill works fine -- once. Like
the Borg, they learn...
                                     (Terry Pratchett, alt.fan.pratchett)

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