warning: type mismatch in shell/cmdedit.c

Vladimir N. Oleynik dzo at simtreas.ru
Fri Mar 3 17:03:08 UTC 2006


> And just to set the record straight: lurking here for a few years now I have
> to admit that Rob sometimes may be stubborn and rude (usually with a reason),
> but I think that everybody on this list agrees that he tried to work with
> you for quite some time, 

This tread of conversation served me as demonstration of that,
how I would like to see collective work above the project and may be last
posting to this mailist. Unless I want much?
In fact such way can and unload the bb maintainer and simplify work
of original authors.

> but you refused to agree on the license that busybox demands. 

Have you ask about my cmdedit.c license?

Ohh. I should repeat. Clumsy my attempt of a raising of a problem
of the license was response (attack) to a policy of maintaining.

> to mention you broken mail setup.

Do not accept email from dynamic-like ip is broken?
Oh, no! It is senseless for discussing, but I envy you, you probably
do not pay for traffic? I pay $0.10/Mb.


Die Programme wie die Wurst - ist es besser, wovon es nicht zu
wissen ist gemacht.
					IT Volkseigen.

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