waiting for reply; timeout? [was: "i'll think about it"]

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Mon Sep 25 07:01:50 UTC 2006

On Sunday 24 September 2006 6:25 am, Bernhard Fischer wrote:
> What happened to "df -t", out of curiousity?
> http://busybox.net/lists/busybox/2005-August/015497.html

I've just spent an hour or so on this and I'm kind of curious too.  The df -t 
from SUSv3 and the df -t from gnu aren't on speaking terms, they do 
completely different things.

In the gnu df, "-t" limits the listing to filesystems of a given type, and in 
SUSv3 it's "Include total allocated-space figures in the output".  Of course 
in SUSv3 it's an XSI extension (which also insists that df should list the 
number inodes), so I suspect the answer is "screw the spec, we're modeling 
the gnu behavior instead"...

Right.  (Also, if the same block device shows up in multiple places, I should 
probably filter it out from the list of totals...)

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