Bug 1244 testcase

Eric Spakman E.Spakman at inter.nl.net
Sun Mar 4 10:58:08 PST 2007

Hi Denis,

>> I have an updated Qemu image with cttyhack and changed inittab in
>> ftp://espakman.dyndns.org/pub/denis/
> Can you explain how can one *update* these images for testing?
That's a bit difficult, the image contains packages that install at
boottime. But I have hacked it a bit so changes to scripts in /etc/init.d/
(rc, rcS, ..) will be saved with lrcfg -> s

New image in ftp://espakman.dyndns.org/pub/denis/

>> It's indeed strange that some daemons seem to need a controlling tty,
>> at least dnsmasq, openntpd and ulogd won't start without and I can
>> imagine
> I suspect that daemons don't need it, but some script probably fails
> before they have a chance to be started.
I don't think this is the case, if I start the scripts by hand after init
is started they run and output is shown.

> In order to find out where it breaks down, do *NOT* use cttyhack,
> but use "exec >/dev/tty1 2>/dev/tty1 </dev/tty1" trick. Move it further and
> further down the script until you find the place where script starts to
> fail.
I will.

> Or explain how I can modify the image, so I can experiment myself.
Please try the new image.

>> there are more. Shorewall contains shell scripts and that won't seem to
>>  start either without the cttyhack.
>> But what's also annoying without a ctty is that no startup and shutdown
>>  output is shown, even when busybox init is compiled with
>> "FEATURE_INIT_SCTTY and a "-" in the inittab.
> I speculate that output is not shown because there is no output.
> Script dies before it gets to output anything.

Not entirely, also daemons and programs that do start don't show any
output. They do if I go back to sysvinit or busybox SVN before revision

> --
> vda

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