UartLite for MontaVista - virtex4

Peter Korsgaard peter.korsgaard at
Wed Mar 14 04:09:14 PDT 2007

>>>>> "RAF" == Roberto A Foglietta <roberto.foglietta at> writes:

>> Huh, Xilinx released a uartlite driver? Where?

RAF> Windriver Linux 1.3 supports Xilinx ML403 board.

RAF> I have seen CONFIG_XILINX_UARTLITE_CONSOLE in the kernel code
RAF> they have released or "integrated" or "delivered under GPL" or
RAF> whatever else verb may fit to this situation.

Ahh, so windriver reinvented the wheel instead of using my
driver. They have afaik not pushed anything Virtex related upstream -

Bye, Peter Korsgaard

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