UartLite for MontaVista - virtex4

Peter Korsgaard peter.korsgaard at
Wed Mar 14 06:08:37 PDT 2007

>>>>> "RAF" == Roberto A Foglietta <roberto.foglietta at> writes:


RAF> The only thing I am sure is Wind River done integration and
RAF> validation of Xilinx code for ML403 board. Xilinx probably write
RAF> some code but Montavista did too.

Perhaps - None of this is mainline, so hard to know.

RAF> Reading some files of that drivers I can say Xilinx uartlite
RAF> drivers contains code written since 2001 to 2006 by various
RAF> contributors but grepping WR 2.6.14 kernel your family name
RAF> "korsgaard" does not appear.

2.6.14? That's pretty ancient. The uartlite driver was written in
spring 2006, but for various reasons (serial going maintainerless,
lack of time, ..) it only reached mainline in 2.6.20.

RAF> I read your driver has been integretad in the 2.6.20 and jantira
RAF> Hengmeechai used /dev/ttl0 while I have used /dev/ttyS0. Are we
RAF> sure we are talking about the same thing or two different things
RAF> which have the same name?

No, it seems like we're talking about 3 different drivers. The
uartlite driver in mainline uses the official /dev/ttyULx device nodes

Bye, Peter Korsgaard

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